Scroll down for our Purpose, Benefits of Participation, Critique Guidelines, and a Map to the Church.

"If you're a writer who needs an accountability group that will pray for you and provide wonderful feedback for your work, then I invite you to join us. Donna and the gang have kept me focused on my novel, and will do the same for you!"
Terry Horsley

 "I just came across one of my FB posts from 10 years ago about meeting with MAC.  How can it be that I’ve gone to MAC for 10 years?  Thank you for being so faithful in supporting and encouraging all authors that come across your path." - Dr. Bonnie Newell, One at a Time: The Life of Roma Lee Courvisier

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Meetings Continue


Hi, Writers

Just an update.  

I understand your concerns about safety and do my best to address them. We are meeting at Healing Word Assembly of God, 5303 Dixie Highway, Middletown, Ohio, in a room where we can sit six feet apart if you wish. We are very considerate when interacting. 

I do hope you'll feel comfortable to attend. 

God bless you and keep writing! - Donna 

(Posts with more detailed info about meetings below.)

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